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February 28, 2023

Sector Coverage

Are global small and mid-cap equities further along the road to recovery?

February 2023

Important Information:

This webinar contains information specifically intended for institutional clients, asset consultants, advisers, platforms and researchers, who are professional investors and wholesale clients (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001).

I confirm that I am a professional or wholesale investor as defined by the Corporations Act 2001 and wish to proceed.


Key takeaways

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A summary of the key highlights is provided below for your viewing.

0:00 – Introduction and update on the macroeconomic pressures that are driving the market, with the most pressing issue being the ‘inflation conundrum’

7:32 – What are the key economic scenarios that may impact valuations and earnings expectations for global equities?

14:25 – Why Quality as a style is poised to outperform the broader market during times of inflation and rising interest rates

18:37 – An explanation into the opportunities in global SMID caps including liquidity, ESG characteristics and growth

24:54 – A detailed look at why balancing style tilts is an important approach to Quality in delivering consistency with less correlated stock returns

31:09 – Review of the portfolio characteristics for Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund, including why Quality at a reasonable price could offer a highly profitable and lower leveraged portfolio of stocks relative to the index

33:40 – Why global SMID caps can provide attractive value against a backdrop of rising valuations and earnings risk in large cap growth equities

Key takeaways

> Download presentation slides (PDF)

A summary of the key highlights is provided below for your viewing.

0:00 – Introduction and update on the macroeconomic pressures that are driving the market, with the most pressing issue being the ‘inflation conundrum’

7:32 – What are the key economic scenarios that may impact valuations and earnings expectations for global equities?

14:25 – Why Quality as a style is poised to outperform the broader market during times of inflation and rising interest rates

18:37 – An explanation into the opportunities in global SMID caps including liquidity, ESG characteristics and growth

24:54 – A detailed look at why balancing style tilts is an important approach to Quality in delivering consistency with less correlated stock returns

31:09 – Review of the portfolio characteristics for Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund, including why Quality at a reasonable price could offer a highly profitable and lower leveraged portfolio of stocks relative to the index

33:40 – Why global SMID caps can provide attractive value against a backdrop of rising valuations and earnings risk in large cap growth equities