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Media Release



December 1, 2018

Sector Coverage

Bell Asset Management receives two ‘Recommended’ ratings from Zenith

December 2018

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Global equities boutique manager, Bell Asset Management (BAM), has received two ‘Recommended’ ratings in its inaugural reviews of the Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund and Bell Global Equities Fund (Platform).

Commenting on the ratings, Chief Investment Officer, Ned Bell, said the two ‘Recommended’ ratings from Zenith was a great result which was indicative of Bell Asset Management’s long-term track record of investing in global equities, the strength of its investment team and consistent outperformance.

“Over the last 16 years, BAM’s focus on quality has enabled us to deliver strong and consistent returns to investors throughout various market cycles. Our disciplined and research-intensive approach to stock selection has proven that BAM is well positioned to generate continuous results to investors,” said Mr Bell.

As at 31st October 2018, the Bell Global Equities Fund (Platform) has produced a 1-year net return of 14.18%, outperforming its benchmark (MSCI World ex Australia Index) by 4.58%.

Over the same period, the Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund delivered a 1-year net return of 14.54% outperforming its benchmark (MSCI World SMID Cap Index) by 9.03%.

In addition to above par portfolio performance, Mr Bell said that both retail and institutional investor interest in BAM’s active strategies, including the BAM Global Small and Mid-Cap (SMID) strategy, was growing due to increasing concerns over global equity market volatility, combined with BAM’s solid track-record of generating alpha through various market conditions.

“Passive investment strategies have served investors well over the last nine years but now, with volatility returning to the market, we are seeing a pivot to active investment. This positions us well, given the defensive nature of our portfolio and our strong track-record of delivering alpha in times of volatility and market uncertainty, Mr Bell said.

According to Mr Bell, the BAM Global SMID strategy was gaining a lot of traction with investors seeking insulation against potential global trade risks.
“Escalating trade war concerns and overcrowding in US mega caps is resulting in greater investor interest in Global SMID which is less exposed to risks posed by a deterioration in global trade.

“In our view, Global SMID offers the best comparative upside and downside capture and provides a way for investors to diversity their mega and large cap exposure,” Mr Bell added.

Bell Asset Management is led by investment veteran Ned Bell and has been managing global equities strategies since 2003.

Note: Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund invests only in global small and mid-cap (SMID)

About Bell Asset Management
Bell Asset Management (BAM) is a leading Australian boutique investment manager specialising in global equities. The Melbourne based investment team have been managing global equities of behalf of clients for over 15 years since January 2003 and have a long track record of investing in global companies across all market cycles.

Important information: BAM is the responsible entity for the Bell Global Equities Fund (ARSN 096 281 300) and the Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund (ARSN 160 079 541)(the Funds). This media release has been prepared for information purposes only and does not take into consideration the investment objectives, financial circumstances or needs of any particular recipient – it contains general information only. Before making any decision in relation to the Fund, you should consider your needs and objectives, consult with a licensed financial adviser and obtain a copy of the product disclosure statement, which is available by calling BAM on 1300 305 476 or visiting

Zenith Disclaimer
The Zenith Investment Partners (“Zenith”) Australian Financial Services License No. 226872 rating (assigned 28 November 2018)referred to in this document is limited to “General Advice” (s766BCorporations Act 2001) for Wholesale clients only. This advice has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold the relevant product(s). Investors should seek independent financial advice before making an investment decision and should consider the appropriateness of this advice in light of their own objectives, financial situation and needs. Investors should obtain a copy of, and consider the PDS or offer document before making any decision and refer to the full Zenith Product Assessment available on the Zenith website. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Zenith usually charges the product issuer, fund manager or related party to conduct Product Assessments. Full details regarding Zenith’s methodology, ratings definitions and regulatory compliance are available on our Product Assessments and at regulatory-guidelines-funds-research.

Media contacts
Lucy Willatt or Alex Cowan
+61 2 8248 3700

Global equities boutique manager, Bell Asset Management (BAM), has received two ‘Recommended’ ratings in its inaugural reviews of the Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund and Bell Global Equities Fund (Platform).

Commenting on the ratings, Chief Investment Officer, Ned Bell, said the two ‘Recommended’ ratings from Zenith was a great result which was indicative of Bell Asset Management’s long-term track record of investing in global equities, the strength of its investment team and consistent outperformance.

“Over the last 16 years, BAM’s focus on quality has enabled us to deliver strong and consistent returns to investors throughout various market cycles. Our disciplined and research-intensive approach to stock selection has proven that BAM is well positioned to generate continuous results to investors,” said Mr Bell.

As at 31st October 2018, the Bell Global Equities Fund (Platform) has produced a 1-year net return of 14.18%, outperforming its benchmark (MSCI World ex Australia Index) by 4.58%.

Over the same period, the Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund delivered a 1-year net return of 14.54% outperforming its benchmark (MSCI World SMID Cap Index) by 9.03%.

In addition to above par portfolio performance, Mr Bell said that both retail and institutional investor interest in BAM’s active strategies, including the BAM Global Small and Mid-Cap (SMID) strategy, was growing due to increasing concerns over global equity market volatility, combined with BAM’s solid track-record of generating alpha through various market conditions.

“Passive investment strategies have served investors well over the last nine years but now, with volatility returning to the market, we are seeing a pivot to active investment. This positions us well, given the defensive nature of our portfolio and our strong track-record of delivering alpha in times of volatility and market uncertainty, Mr Bell said.

According to Mr Bell, the BAM Global SMID strategy was gaining a lot of traction with investors seeking insulation against potential global trade risks.
“Escalating trade war concerns and overcrowding in US mega caps is resulting in greater investor interest in Global SMID which is less exposed to risks posed by a deterioration in global trade.

“In our view, Global SMID offers the best comparative upside and downside capture and provides a way for investors to diversity their mega and large cap exposure,” Mr Bell added.

Bell Asset Management is led by investment veteran Ned Bell and has been managing global equities strategies since 2003.

Note: Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund invests only in global small and mid-cap (SMID)

About Bell Asset Management
Bell Asset Management (BAM) is a leading Australian boutique investment manager specialising in global equities. The Melbourne based investment team have been managing global equities of behalf of clients for over 15 years since January 2003 and have a long track record of investing in global companies across all market cycles.

Important information: BAM is the responsible entity for the Bell Global Equities Fund (ARSN 096 281 300) and the Bell Global Emerging Companies Fund (ARSN 160 079 541)(the Funds). This media release has been prepared for information purposes only and does not take into consideration the investment objectives, financial circumstances or needs of any particular recipient – it contains general information only. Before making any decision in relation to the Fund, you should consider your needs and objectives, consult with a licensed financial adviser and obtain a copy of the product disclosure statement, which is available by calling BAM on 1300 305 476 or visiting

Zenith Disclaimer
The Zenith Investment Partners (“Zenith”) Australian Financial Services License No. 226872 rating (assigned 28 November 2018)referred to in this document is limited to “General Advice” (s766BCorporations Act 2001) for Wholesale clients only. This advice has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold the relevant product(s). Investors should seek independent financial advice before making an investment decision and should consider the appropriateness of this advice in light of their own objectives, financial situation and needs. Investors should obtain a copy of, and consider the PDS or offer document before making any decision and refer to the full Zenith Product Assessment available on the Zenith website. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Zenith usually charges the product issuer, fund manager or related party to conduct Product Assessments. Full details regarding Zenith’s methodology, ratings definitions and regulatory compliance are available on our Product Assessments and at regulatory-guidelines-funds-research.

Media contacts
Lucy Willatt or Alex Cowan
+61 2 8248 3700